Any student of legal driving age who intends to drive to and from North Lake Senior Campus must comply with these Student Driver Guidelines. They must sign a statement agreeing to comply to the guidelines and complete a Student Vehicle Details form.


ALL students enrolling at the campus are required to complete and adhere to these guidelines as a condition of enrolment, regardless of whether or not they hold a driver’s licence.

The following understandings apply:

  1. Students are not permitted under any circumstances to drive from the campus grounds during the day unless they are part-time students whose classes have finished for the day OR unless they have signed out.
  2. The campus takes no responsibility for damage to vehicles whilst on or in the vicinity of campus.
  3. Student drivers should not carry other students as passengers aged younger than 18 years of age to or from the campus without the written permission of the passenger’s parent/guardian. Student drivers and passengers (under 18 years of age) have the responsibility of making sure the Passenger Permission Form (p3) is completed, signed and returned to an appropriate staff member, such as a Deputy Principal or Manager of Student Services.
  4. At the Kardinya campus, full-time students are to park in Car Park 2 (closest to North Lake Road) and should not access their vehicles during the day. Part-time students are to park in Car Park 1 (closest to the Administration Building).
  5. Any unsafe driving or riding on site will be deemed to be in breach of these guidelines and, if found in breach, students may have sanctions applied (see below).
  6. Students will ensure their personal information relating to these guidelines is accurate and up to date

If any of the understandings above are not followed, the student will have an appropriate sanction
applied, which may include (but is not restricted to):
a) a warning;
b) a report to the WA Police or Local Government Ranger;
c) suspension from campus;
d) loss of privileges such as non-attendance at social functions and events;
e) the withdrawal of the student’s right to park at the school.



As part of your enrolment acceptance, you signed an agreement to follow the rules about driving (or being driven as a passenger) to and from campus. It is a condition of enrolment that you maintain the accuracy of this information. If any of your details change, it is important that you keep us informed. You can update or lodge your transport related information by filling out and submitting this form. As a link, connect to a writeable form with the information below. The form needs to be able to be sent to my email address once completed.



    I have read and understand the Student Driver Guidelines and agree to adhere to them and will keep vehicle and passenger information accurate and up-to-date.

  • (Or insert X)
  • (If required)
  • Note: A copy of the student’s current driver’s licence must be uploaded to this form.


    In completing and signing this form, I accept all conditions outlined in the campus Student Driver Guidelines and agree to the following:

    • I will only park in designated student parking areas
    • I will NOT access the parking areas during class or break times unless arriving to or leaving the campus
    • I agree to abide to all road rules and speed signs on campus
    • I agree to abide to the laws relating to the numbers of passengers allowed to travel in cars driven by P-Plate drivers.
  • Student Vehicle Register - Vehicle 1

  • Student Vehicle Register - Vehicle 2

  • Students must register all vehicles they intend to drive to the campus.

Being driven to campus by a student?   Complete the Passenger Permission Form here