“I’ve never been to anything like this before – every school should have one.” That was Brianna’s reaction after attending the North Lake Senior Campus Health Expo in the canteen on Thursday 16 August.
It was a relaxed event with some vital health advice on hand and it generated some important conversations.
Students had the chance to find out about…
- Freedom Centre https://www.freedom.org.au
- YEP Crew (Youth Educating Peers) https://www.yacwa.org.au/youth-leadership/yep/
- Palmerston https://www.palmerston.org.au
- Fremantle Womens Health Service https://www.fwhc.org.au
- Hepatitis WA http://www.hepatitiswa.com.au
- Headspace https://www.headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/fremantle/
The day was capped off by Sarah, Sylvia and the Hospitality students who prepared a fantastic healthy lunch.
The event gave students plenty to think about.
“It provided awareness of options. There will always be people who are struggling and this showed that there’s always someone there to help,” Jenaya.
“It’s good for young people to know what’s happening and who to go to for help,” David.
If ever you need general advice about health issues see Jill our campus nurse or contact one of the agencies listed above.