• The 2023 Student Council. Back: Toni, Marwa. Front: Lani, Asha, Hasti and Shane.
The recently elected Student Council took part in an induction workshop conducted by Armanda on 5 April as part of their normal meeting cycle.
The intention of the workshop was to:
• Support a better understanding of personal and team strengths.
• To build relationships within the team.
• Reflect on effective leadership.
• Assist the student councillors to understand their character strengths and the strengths of others, and how strengths can support team goals and actions.
The students filled out a personality instrument to help determine individual strengths and weaknesses and after a discussion about individual and shared values, came together to create a Student Council Vision Statement that will support future initiatives.
After the induction, students came away feeling positive about what they could achieve during the year and excited for future events.
The Student Council is keen to find ways to bring students together and to help in organising events. If you have ideas the councillors would love to hear from you.