Located in the library the Student Services team is here to support you with life on the campus or beyond. Ken Ferguson, Sarah Hardman, Nadia Lekias and Andre Gauci can help with:
• Subject issues like setting out a study plan, getting organized so that your workload is made easier and other easy changes to make life better
• Getting back into school life
• Getting on with other people, including your teachers
• Home issues that are having an impact on your performance
• Pathway planning beyond North Lake
• Health issues
• Referral to support services –VET with Sarah including info on TAFE, traineeships and apprenticeships, either while at school or after you leave school.
Andre, Nadia and Ken will be catching up with your teachers to see how you’re going and to provide back up support with study skills strategies. Class attendance and participation are also priorities. They also have a range of strategies to support mental and physical health. Remember to talk with your teachers to keep them informed of anything that might be affecting your learning. THEY UNDERSTAND.
Ken’s job is to coordinate input from lots of sources to assist you. Either he or Sarah will staff the library office during breaks if you want to make contact.
More specialist services include;
Campus Psychologist Kylie Matheson
Kylie is here Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday to help with any health and well being concerns. Make an appointment at the front office.
Campus Chaplain Deb Regel
Deb is here in a support role to assist with personal, spiritual and social matters. She provides support by listening and suggesting practical support and providing information. Call in to the Library any time on Mondays and Thursdays and say hi to Deb.
Campus Nurse Jill Drummond
Jill is on campus, in the library on Tuesday and Wednesday. The appointment diary is at front desk, or if she is available just drop in to the library for a chat.
Multi Cultural/community support Officer Karen Hogg
Karen is located in the office just between the Cafeteria and the Gym. She is available Monday and Tuesday on the campus but is also available by appointment Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Check her notice board. She provides useful community contacts dealing with a wide range of needs, including housing, employment, recreation and government support.
Communication officer Les Everett
Les will provide social media updates on Student Services activities.