The Australian government is maintaining strict international border controls to limit the spread of COVID-19. This may impact entry into Australia and Western Australia in time for the commencement of the 2021 school year.
Should you wish to apply for an exemption for your child to travel into Australia and Western Australia, please refer to the considerations below:
Students with a valid Australian entry visa are required to apply for a travel exemption from:
- Home Affairs – Australian Border Force through the Travel Restriction Exemption portal; and… the Western Australia government through How do I apply for an exemption to enter Western Australia? on the COVID-19 coronavirus: Travel to WA website.
- To assist in the travel restriction exemption process, the Western Australian Department of Education can provide the following
- a Confirmation of Enrolment letter and a letter of support from the Chief Health Officer, Western Australian Department of Health.
If you wish to receive these letters, please send a request and we will arrange these for you.
If you have any queries regarding border restrictions, exemptions and quarantine requirements, please refer to the following websites and contact phone numbers:
Entry into Australia
Phone:1800 020 080
Entry into Western Australia
Phone: 13COVID (13 26843)
Interstate Callers: 1800 595 206
International Callers: +61 8 9118 3100
The Western Australian government is maintaining strict border controls to limit the spread of COVID-19 and a travel exemption is currently required to travel into Western Australia. This may impact entry into Western Australia in time for the commencement of the 2021 school year.
Should you wish to apply for an exemption to travel into Western Australia, please refer to the considerations below:
• Travel exemptions can be applied for through How do I apply for an exemption to enter Western Australia? on the COVID-19 coronavirus: Travel to WA website.
• All students entering Western Australia from interstate will be required to abide by the Quarantine (Closing the Border) Directions on the COVID-19 coronavirus: Travel to WA website.
As the advice regarding travel exemption applications may change, please check the Western Australia Government Travel to WA website regularly.
North Lake students and families you will find more information on the Connect line.