A Chinese taste of Australia


Visitors from our sister school in China – Hefei 168 – had a busy time when they dropped into North Lake during week two. Led by Dean the students and teachers made Anzac biscuits in Hospitality and visited classes including Design Photography, Art and Computer Science.

In Physics Year 11 the Chinese students and their teacher conducted experiments using digital sensors and iPads to measure motion of a car down a ramp and the pH (acidity) of common solutions. They also had fun doing flame tests and burning copper sulphate solution and getting a bright green flame. We also found out that a Physics class in China can have 60 students in it!

John took the visitors to East Fremantle Oval for an Australian Rules football experience. They trained on the oval, saw inside the rooms and met a couple of Sharks (East Fremantle players).

A large group of students used the woodwork equipment to make boomerangs in the Design and Technology workshop.

After their hectic visit to Perth the Chinese party headed to Melbourne leaving us with many gifts that are now on display in the principal’s office. There’s every chance a group from North Lake will visit our friends at Hefei 168 in 2019.