Planting 1233 plants to promote biodiversity by Michael Bayot (student councillor)

North Lake Senior Campus has taken an initiative to raise awareness of students and teachers on the importance of biodiversity. After the busy construction project, several classes were given the opportunity to plant a variety of local Australian plants, exactly 1233 in total. These plants were varied in types and colours to promote not only biodiversity but its beauty as well. 

As a current student councillor, I am delighted to have been given the opportunity to write about NLSC’s special Revegetation Day. 

Behind the scenes, Dr Tracey Fisher, who coordinated the fun event for everyone said, “The purpose of the event was to raise awareness of the importance of biodiversity and bring people together to help improve the environment in a community event.”

In raising awareness on the importance of biodiversity, I asked our school’s Biology ATAR teacher, Ms Kirsten Dahl to please provide us with a definition. She defined biodiversity as “the total variety of living organisms on Earth, or sometimes more specifically all the species in a particular region or ecosystem.” Kirsten also added: “Today’s campus revegetation day was a lot of fun – it brought everyone together for some sunshine and a great cause and I saw a lot of smiling faces outside.”

Revegetation Day was a whole school effort with contributions from many, many staff and students and a massive planting effort on the day. In addition to buying plants, many plants were donated by Plant Rite, Melville City Council and SERCUL, while support was also provided by the City of Cockburn.

North Lake Principal Gary Anderson, who joined in with the digging and planting, was impressed with the event: “My thanks to Tracey and her band of “eco warriors” both from within the school; the Science team, the gardeners, Student Councillors and many other staff but also our resident Campus Council member Louisa Barnacle, and colleagues Matt, Francis from Earthcare and volunteers such as Sophia and Tyler. Louisa assisted both in labour and advice, but also with the provision of high quality mulch, services to steam weed and bobcat the many cubic meters of mulch to the right locations”

Other activities

Student Council members volunteered to prepare a free sausage sizzles for students, staff and volunteers. This was held to promote the fundraising event on the same day for two charity organisations: Cockburn Wetland and WA Wildlife. 

Making bookmarks was also available as one of the fun activities.

A revegetation quiz activity was stationed beside poster displays and near the planting site. The quiz questions were based on the theme of the event, revegetation. Students who participated were mostly asked questions on biodiversity and environment.

In addition to physical work by planting trees and small plants to promote biodiversity, posters and books provided by our lovely librarian, Ms Tine, were also available for viewing and reading about the importance of biodiversity. 

Fundraising for Cockburn Wetland and WA Wildlife 

Their Missions, Values and Visions:

The Wetlands Centre’s Mission: to connect the community with Wetlands through projects, programs and events which increase the knowledge, awareness, understanding, and commitment to their conservation and wise use within the wider environment.

WA Wildlife (formerly Native Arc): WA Wildlife provides medical care and rehabilitation services for approximately 4000 injured, sick and orphaned native wildlife each year. Located in the south metropolitan region of Perth, WA Wildlife receives injured wildlife from a variety of sources including the public, veterinarian clinics, local councils, rangers and other wildlife centres.

Revegetation Day was also a fund raising event with students provided an opportunity to make a gold coin donation – these funds were distributed to both organisations involved.