In any kind of weather

Nature turned on the perfect conditions for this year’s planting and revegetation day. There was sunshine and pouring rain suiting both the replanting and weeding that needed to be done.

Thanks to Louisa Barnacle and John Bailey who provided invaluable advice and assistance to make the day a success. And congratulations to all students and staff, especially Kirsten and her team of organisers, for getting down and doing the hard work.

SERCUL ( South East Regional Centre for Urban Landcare) donated 20 native plant seedlings for the revegetation day. SERCUL provided these plants to our school as part of the Phosphorus Awareness Project grant it receives from the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA), which aims to educate the community about the environmental impacts of too many nutrients entering our waterways.

Make sure you take time to enjoy the changes in the garden areas as you walk around the campus.