Taban Imani was North Lake’s top ATAR student in 2014 so it’s probably no surprise to hear she won the subject awards for stage 3 Mathematics, EALD, Chemistry and Physics.
However it was her performance in Mathematics Specialist that was her great achievement. North Lake didn’t have a Stage 3 Maths Specialist class in 2014 but Taban did it anyway.
North Lake’s Maths teacher OT Lee suggested that Taban have a go at the subject on her own. She worked during free periods and sat in with some of OT’s Stage 1 classes and got help when she could. “Apparently it worked,” said Taban. “It was a bit distracting being in an another class doing different things but I loved that class. Daisy and the others were always making jokes and I tried not to listen to what they were saying! I love the diversity at North Lake. All my friends are from different countries, it’s amazing. The library is a good place to go to meet people – everybody goes there. The teachers are really nice too.””
Taban, whose parents are from Iran, came to Australia from The Netherlands in September 2011. She is a Bahai and spent 2015 completing community service in Northam, 100km east of Perth. “It’s about trying to improve yourself by helping the community,” she said.
Taban is now at Murdoch University studying Veterinary Medicine.
“I love the diversity at North Lake. All my friends are from different countries, it’s amazing. The library is a good place to go to meet people – everybody goes there. The teachers are really nice too.”
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