Consent2Go update

We are pleased to now be in the position to offer you Consent2Go to help you keep your child’s health records accurate and to provide consent for school events, excursions and camps.

As mentioned, Consent2Go will replace our current process and be the way to inform you about school incursions, excursions and camps. It will also be the place for you to upload new health information. Consent2Go has an easy-to-use parent interface. The system doesn’t require you to download apps or log into anything as all communications are done via an email link. 

We are still working through our implementation schedule and are looking to introduce the new system in late May or early June 2022, but we first need your help.

What we need from you

All current parents/guardians will receive a personalised email inviting you to complete a profile update for your child. If you are an independent or mature aged student, you will receive this email in your inbox and will need to complete your profile update yourself.

Where possible, we request that both parents/guardians follow the instructions in the email to update their contact information as well as their child/children’s information as soon as possible.

You will be required to validate information relating to: 

      Parent information/Emergency contacts 

      Care details 

      Medical information 

While some of this information may be similar to what you previously provided at enrolment, it is important that we have the most up to date information for your child.  Once you complete this validation and record any changes, ongoing medical updates, and the provision of consent to attend camps and excursions, will be easy to use. 

If you don’t receive an email by Thursday 19 May, please contact Mr David Sharp, Deputy Principal, via email at

Tips to assist with easily completing the validation process 

There are a few things that will assist in easy completion of the form: 

•           Have your Medicare card details available 

•           Know your current doctor’s practice name, address and phone number 

•           Know your Private Health insurer, policy type and number 

•          Have a copy of your child’s medical condition action plan ready to upload (if applicable) 

•           Have a copy of your child’s vaccination records ready to upload.

Should you have trouble completing information in the system and require assistance, please check the attached FAQs or click the ‘Need Help’ button to contact the Consent2Go support team. 

Thank you for helping us ensure we have all the information required to support your child’s wellbeing.

Gary Anderson
