
We are excited to announce that we will soon be offering you Consent2Go, a digital system that easily enables parents and care givers to keep student health records accurate and provide consent for school events, excursions and camps, in a secure and timely manner. 

We are always looking for ways to enhance our student care and after careful evaluation of our requirements, we have made the decision to use Consent2Go. Consent2Go is used in many other schools across Australia and New Zealand and is proven to be highly effective. 

Why are we changing?

For student safety it is vital that their information is as up to date as possible and complies with government regulations. The processes we currently use to support this are complex and time consuming. 

Consent2Go will be the method we will use to inform you about school incursions, excursions and camps. It will also be the way for you to inform us about any changes to your child’s health or contact information.

Consent2Go is easy to use. The system doesn’t require you to download apps or log into anything as all communications will now be done via an email link.

When will this change occur? 

We are working through our implementation schedule and hope to introduce the new system before the end of next month.

I will email you again to provide you with further instructions on how to use the new system. If you have any questions in the meantime, please telephone or email Deputy Principal, David Sharp, on 9314-044 or

Gary Anderson
