Attracted by the Music course, Lachlan Pratt came to North Lake as a part-time mature-age student via Fast Track.
He took no time to impress his teacher Dean. “Initially Lachlan’s main musical interest was in some very dark metal but he soon showed he could turn his hand to anything,” Dean said.
When Kav Temperley visited the campus as part of the Songmakers intensive songwriting workshop Lachlan co-wrote and sang a haunting Americana-style song called Monster in Disguise. Since then electronic music has been his main interest.
After completing Cert lll and Cert lV in Music Industry at North Lake, Lachlan accepted into Abbey Road Institute in Melbourne where he gained an Advanced Diploma of Music Industry. Lachlan’s next musical step came as a surprise when he was approached to do a six-month internship at the prestigious Studio 301 in Sydney.
Studio 301 is the go-to studio for visiting and local artists in Australia with Bob Dylan, Lady Gaga, Midnight Oil, Jay-Z and Metallica among those to have recorded there. When he spoke to NLSC News earlier this year Lachlan said he was looking forward to learning as much as he could at 301 but he was also realistic about his place in the scheme of things, “I also think I’ll be doing a lot of getting coffee and cleaning up.”
Meanwhile Dean is not surprised by his former student’s progress, “Lachlan was a self-motivated student. He always showed great tenacity and went out of his way to work with others and enjoy their success.”