A place of love

• IEC 3.1 and 3.2 HASS excursion to Fremantle

On Friday 6 September IEC 3.1 and 3.2 HASS students met outside the Fremantle Railway Station at 9am. They had been studying the history, architecture, businesses, transport systems and geography of the city and this was a good opportunity for them to see Fremantle first hand.

When all the students attending were accounted for, the group began their walk passing by Wesley Church, the Wool Stores, Fremantle Boys School, St Patrick’s Church, Fremantle Prison, Fremantle Oval, Fremantle Markets, the Café Strip, High Street, the Round House and Fishing Boat Harbour.   

The students wrote about their experiences:

Fremantle Market is a crowded place like the markets in Asian countries. The first time I saw Fremantle Market I thought it was my country’s market because they have a lot of shops inside. (Imran)

Fremantle is very beautiful place and has many old buildings. (Hsar Yu)

Fremantle was very interesting history and buildings. (Peam)

Fremantle has many beautiful places and old buildings. Fremantle has a lot of history from the past. (Nasrin)

Fremantle was interesting and an attractive place to visit with many buildings for tourists. (Hudson)

Fremantle is a place of love. Australian people have many memories from each and every single place in Fremantle. (Amina)

I was excited because I got the chance to see the statue of John Curtin. He was a very interesting person I must say. He is considered to be one of Australia’s greatest prime ministers due to his inspiring national leadership during the Second World War. (Yassin)

I loved the view of the sea and the nature. I loved the chips and saw many old buildings. (anon)

The seagulls loved their chips too.

It seemed everyone thoroughly enjoyed this excursion and it was a pleasure to take such responsible and well behaved students on this excursion

by Chris Martin