News & Events

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Not a party PARTY

A group of very lucky Year 11/12 students travelled to Royal Perth Hospital to attend the PARTY program earlier this…

Design an ad competition

Create a print ad for one of our eight real companies and show off your creativity for your chance to…

Reap what you sow

Crops planted by the Year 11 General Plant Production Systems class on campus grounds are beginning to grow. All the…

That was big

All over Australia in recent weeks morning teas have been held to raise vital funds to make a big difference…

Building for the future

After a few years out in the workforce Indigo decided to come back to school. She joined the Industrial Studies…

Bright lights. Bad smells. Chemical reactions

One of the hallmarks of a good chemist is knowing your chemical reactions. Year 11 ATAR Chemistry students have been…

The signs are everywhere

The Year 11 Foundation Career & Enterprise students participated in a mini-tour around the school investigating safety precautions and signage…

 Focus environment photography competition 

Celebrate WA’s amazing biodiversity through the camera lens with our annual photographic and caption competition. Primary and secondary students and…

Looking forward. Looking back

Students in the Year 11 EALD ATAR class shared an interesting experience during a recent class. They held a question…